Mr. Snuggs plays trumpet and other brass instruments including baritone. He has performed with brass bands such as the 8th Regiment Band in Rome, GA and the Gospel Jazz Band and Orchestra at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in Marietta, GA.
This clinic will be beneficial to all buglers, from beginners to experienced musicians. I have contacted several band directors / musicians to assist me, so take advantage of this great opportunity!
By Tuesday, 9 October 2012 (received), please e-mail me a list of the bugling calls that you can play well and wish to have evaluated at the Bugling Merit Badge clinic. Also, include in your message any requests for special instruction and questions you may have regarding your role as troop bugler.
You must bring a bugle or suitable substitute (cornet or trumpet) to the clinic. If you don't have one and have a financial hardship that prevents you from getting one, let me know and we'll work something out.
All participants are expected to know how the required bugle calls are supposed to sound, as well as to have invested some time in attempting to play them. That is, you don't have to be able to play them perfectly, but you must have listened to a recording of each call and have attempted to play it.
There are several websites that provide free recordings (WAV, MP3 and other audio formats). Send me an e-mail if you need help on this. Use the musical scores in the Bugling MB workbook to verify accuracy.
The clinic will be run in two sessions. The first will be for all participants, and the second will include breakout sessions including a workshop for beginners, and one for more experienced buglers.
Requirements for the Bugling merit badge:
1. Give a brief history of the bugle.
2. Do the following:
a. Explain and demonstrate how the bugle makes sound, and explain how the bugle is related to other brass wind instruments.
b. Compose a bugle call for your troop or patrol to signal a common group activity, such as assembling for mealtime or striking a campsite.
3. Sound the following bugle calls: 'First Call', 'Reveille', 'Assembly', 'Mess', 'Drill', 'Fatigue', 'Officers', 'Recall', 'Church', 'Swimming', 'Fire', 'Retreat', 'To the Colors', 'Call to Quarters', and 'Taps
4. Explain when each of the calls in requirement 3 is used.
5. Explain how to care for, clean, and maintain a bugle.
6. Serve as bugler in your troop for three months.*
NOTE: A bugle, trumpet, or cornet may be used to meet these requirements.
For a worksheet to be used at the clinic:
1.Read the latest version of the Merit Badge Pamphlet. You may borrow it from your Scout Library; or order it directly from The Atlanta Scout Shop, phone: 770-988-9912 or The national B.S. A. Catalog at 1-800-323-0732.
2. Download the worksheet, save it and print to document your merit badge work.
Prerequisites: By Thursday, 11 October 2012 (received), you must provide me a recording of your playing any three of the required bugle calls for this merit badge. See above for details.
This will be our seventh year of hosting the bugling contest, and we expect a competitive field of buglers who will compete for top honors! We worked with a retired Air Force Reserve bandsman to develop the evaluation process for the competition.
Event Date: Saturday, 20 October 2012
Time: 7:00 am to 7:45am
Where: Kennesaw State University
Contact: Mr. John Snuggs, snuggsj@bellsouth.net
· All Bugling contestants must be registered Scouts.
· By Tuesday, 9 October 2012 (received) all contestants must submit a recording of performing any three of the bugle calls required for the Bugling Merit Badge. These recordings will be use to produce a group of semi-finalists who will advance to the final round of live competition.
· Finalists will be evaluated based on accuracy, articulation, presentation and presence (the contestant's appearance and how he carries himself), phrasing, tone and tempo. Most of these are discussed in the MB booklet. Finalists should be prepared to perform from memory the five most common bugle calls as listed in the Bugling MB book (Assembly, Reveille, To The Colors, Mess and Taps), as well as to explain and perform an original composition.
Send email to Mr. John Snuggs, snuggsj@bellsouth.net and express your desire to participate.
Contest participants will receive a certificate. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places will receive a special award each.