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Counselor Profile

Counselor Sid Wheeler
Council District Type Unit Role
Address Wilsonville, AL 35186
Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone
private private private
Employer Field

Scouts will be placed in survey teams of 3-4 and should be able to complete all requirements if they bring item 6 to class (copy of property deed to home).

UPDATE: Bring Scientific Calculator and pen/pencil.  Graph paper will be provided.  We should have Internet Access and will be able to look up property deed documents on-line.


Why I am qualified to teach

Scouts will be placed in survey teams of 3-4 and should be able to complete all requirements if they bring item 6 to class (copy of property deed to home).

UPDATE: Bring Scientific Calculator and pen/pencil.  Graph paper will be provided.  We should have Internet Access and will be able to look up property deed documents on-line.


Prerequisites for this Activity
  Youth Protection not completed within the past two years.
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