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Counselor Profile

Counselor Mr David Drake
Council District Type Unit Role
Address Alabaster, AL
Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone
private private private
Employer Field

Here is the prerequisite for the class:

For requirement 5, select one publicly-traded company to discuss.  Learn something about the company and be prepared to talk about it in the session.  Bring the business section of recent newspaper or web printout with current trading information for that company's stock.


Here is what I WILL cover in the class:

Requirement 3 A-H
Requirement 4 A-C
Requirement 5 A-C
Requirement 6 A-E
Requirement 7 A-E
Requirement 9 A-E

We will discuss some tips on budgeting (for requirement 2) and time management (for requirement 8) but will not actually do these requirements during the session.


Here is what I will NOT cover (Scouts will have to do on their own):

All of Requirements 1, 2, 8 and 10.  These will have to be completed and discussed with a merit badge counselor outside of the session (either before or after… None are prerequisites).

Why I am qualified to teach
Personal Management*

Here is the prerequisite for the class:

For requirement 5, select one publicly-traded company to discuss.  Learn something about the company and be prepared to talk about it in the session.  Bring the business section of recent newspaper or web printout with current trading information for that company's stock.


Here is what I WILL cover in the class:

Requirement 3 A-H
Requirement 4 A-C
Requirement 5 A-C
Requirement 6 A-E
Requirement 7 A-E
Requirement 9 A-E

We will discuss some tips on budgeting (for requirement 2) and time management (for requirement 8) but will not actually do these requirements during the session.


Here is what I will NOT cover (Scouts will have to do on their own):

All of Requirements 1, 2, 8 and 10.  These will have to be completed and discussed with a merit badge counselor outside of the session (either before or after… None are prerequisites).

Prerequisites for this Activity
  Youth Protection not completed within the past two years.
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