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Counselor Profile

Counselor Mr Barry Pochron
Council District Type Unit Role
Atlanta Area Foothills Troop 1776 ASM
Marietta, Ga
Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone
private 678-849-4635 private
Employer Field
General Electric



The best preparation is to have read the composite material merit badge pamphlet.

3.a. Bring three MSDS sheets for composite reinforcement materials so we can discuss their characteristics.

3.b. Bring three MSDS sheets for resins used in composite materials so we can discuss their characteristics.

We will use these same MSDS sheets to accomplish the requirements of 1.a and 1.b.

Review the similarities and differences between the materials listed in chapter 3, "Why Use Composites" we will summarize these to meet the requirements of 2.b.

I will put together a presentation to meet the requirements of 2.a.

Identify three composite-related Web-sites to share and meet the requirements of 4.b. Send these sites to me at this email address by Aug 10th so I can download and incorporate them into a presentation and have them available to discuss with the class. (I don't believe we'll have internet access in the room, so I'd like to have them downloaded so I can call them up during the class.)

(After signups are complete, I may be able to set up a visit to a company that uses composites, if not the web-site will suffice for the merit badge.)

Requirement 5.a. asks the scouts to complete 2 projects. I believe we will only have time to complete one during the morning we're together. So we'll complete the 'Model Airplane' for one of the scouts projects.

For the second project we have two options: a) if completed before the 12th, please take pictures of the process you used, MSDS for materials as required, and bring the project in if convenient. Contact me via this email address and we will set evaluation criteria, and decide when and where we can do the evaluation of the final product (5.b and 5.c). b) if not completed by the 12th, please bring your ideas, (or send them to me in advance, if available) so I can approve and determine evaluation criteria and set a time and place to conduct the project, evaluate and signoff the merit badge requirement (5.b and 5.c).

Find three career opportunities, for one of them research the education, training, and experience required for this profession to accomplish 6.

During our discussions I will be stressing the safety requirements to use these materials expanding a bit on the merit badge pamphlet. As the second projects are identified, I want to ensure these materials are included in our discussion of material handling procedures.

Why I am qualified to teach
Composite Materials



The best preparation is to have read the composite material merit badge pamphlet.

3.a. Bring three MSDS sheets for composite reinforcement materials so we can discuss their characteristics.

3.b. Bring three MSDS sheets for resins used in composite materials so we can discuss their characteristics.

We will use these same MSDS sheets to accomplish the requirements of 1.a and 1.b.

Review the similarities and differences between the materials listed in chapter 3, "Why Use Composites" we will summarize these to meet the requirements of 2.b.

I will put together a presentation to meet the requirements of 2.a.

Identify three composite-related Web-sites to share and meet the requirements of 4.b. Send these sites to me at this email address by Aug 10th so I can download and incorporate them into a presentation and have them available to discuss with the class. (I don't believe we'll have internet access in the room, so I'd like to have them downloaded so I can call them up during the class.)

(After signups are complete, I may be able to set up a visit to a company that uses composites, if not the web-site will suffice for the merit badge.)

Requirement 5.a. asks the scouts to complete 2 projects. I believe we will only have time to complete one during the morning we're together. So we'll complete the 'Model Airplane' for one of the scouts projects.

For the second project we have two options: a) if completed before the 12th, please take pictures of the process you used, MSDS for materials as required, and bring the project in if convenient. Contact me via this email address and we will set evaluation criteria, and decide when and where we can do the evaluation of the final product (5.b and 5.c). b) if not completed by the 12th, please bring your ideas, (or send them to me in advance, if available) so I can approve and determine evaluation criteria and set a time and place to conduct the project, evaluate and signoff the merit badge requirement (5.b and 5.c).

Find three career opportunities, for one of them research the education, training, and experience required for this profession to accomplish 6.

During our discussions I will be stressing the safety requirements to use these materials expanding a bit on the merit badge pamphlet. As the second projects are identified, I want to ensure these materials are included in our discussion of material handling procedures.

Prerequisites for this Activity
  Youth Protection not completed within the past two years.
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