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Counselor Profile

Counselor Mr Bob Palmer
Council District Type Unit Role
Address Birmingham, AL
Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone
private private private
Employer Field
Biography Know names of your 2 Senators and 1 Congressional Representative and address of at least one
Read Constitution
Read Declaration of Independence

Bring stationery, business envelope and 1st class stamp

Scouts will need to visit State or National capital or some federal installation. Can be done before or after class.
Why I am qualified to teach
Citizenship in the Nation*
Know names of your 2 Senators and 1 Congressional Representative and address of at least one Read Constitution Read Declaration of Independence Bring stationery, business envelope and 1st class stamp Scouts will need to visit State or National capital or some federal installation. Can be done before or after class.
Prerequisites for this Activity
  Youth Protection not completed within the past two years.
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