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Counselor Profile

Counselor Mr Harry Caldwell
Council District Type Unit Role
Greater Alabama Shelby Troop
Address Indian Springs, AL 35124
Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone
private private private
Employer Field

Prerequisites for the American Business Merit Badge:

1. Buy the Merit Badge Handbook

2. Read it!

3. Do requirement 2a, Visit a bank. Bring bank name, branch location, and
name of person you spoke with to session.

4. In order to complete all requirements at Merit Badge Day, pay attention
to the requirements that include 90 day timetables

    a. Requirement 3b, Keep weekly record of 2 stock
prices for 3 months

    b. Requirement 5, Run a small business for 3

5. Start 3b and 5 as soon as you can, and bring your work with you so far
to Merit Badge Day, even if the requirements won't be complete by January 28, so
you can finish shortly after Merit Badge Day. The earlier you start, the sooner
you will be finished!

6. All other requirements will be covered in the class


Tasks that can be done or completed afterwards:

2a, Visit a bank

3b, Keep weekly record of stock prices for 3 months

5, Run a small business for 3 months
Why I am qualified to teach
American Business

Prerequisites for the American Business Merit Badge:

1. Buy the Merit Badge Handbook
2. Read it!
3. Do requirement 2a, Visit a bank. Bring bank name, branch location, and name of person you spoke with to session.
4. In order to complete all requirements at Merit Badge Day, pay attention to the requirements that include 90 day timetables
    a. Requirement 3b, Keep weekly record of 2 stock prices for 3 months
    b. Requirement 5, Run a small business for 3 months
5. Start 3b and 5 as soon as you can, and bring your work with you so far to Merit Badge Day, even if the requirements won't be complete by January 28, so you can finish shortly after Merit Badge Day. The earlier you start, the sooner you will be finished!
6. All other requirements will be covered in the class
Tasks that can be done or completed afterwards:
2a, Visit a bank
3b, Keep weekly record of stock prices for 3 months
5, Run a small business for 3 months
Prerequisites for this Activity
  Youth Protection not completed within the past two years.
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