Note the system is designed to allow one adult to register an entire unit or pack. Before any scout can be registered for a class, an adult must be registered. The adult can be a unit leader or parent. Registration by unit is preferred by the system.
Go to
Click on Sign On to register in the system. Follow the instructions on the website to register with the site, they are generally simple to follow.
Enter your email address and password that you selected when you registered in the system. If you have not yet registered, Click on Register New User. If you need assistance, click on the HELP tab for a tutorial.
The system will walk you through several screens for the registration process. Enter your State, Council, District, Unit Type, Unit Number in turn, selecting the OK button after each entry. When you get to the User Profile screen, enter your information. Your address and phone numbers can be hidden by leaving the Visible check boxes UN CHECKED.
Scroll down the screen and select your Register me as a: type by checking the appropriate check box. Enter any Bio information that you want.
When you are all finished, click on Update to save your entries.
Click on Events
Find the entry for Beltloopapalooza at National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD and click on Sign-Up.
Sign in to the system using your email address and the password you created during the registration process.
Find the entry for Beltloopapalooza at National Emergency Training Center, Emmitsburg, MD and click on Sign-Up.
Enter the first participant’s information then click on Session and select the beltloop session you which to register your scout.
Click Add
Repeat for each individual beltloop and session for your Scout.
To register another scout repeat the above three steps.
Click Print Roster
Mail your registration fees to:
Cub Pack 195
C/O St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
19 West Pennsylvania Avenue
Walkersville, MD 21793
Fees must be received within 10 days of your registration.
How to read the class codes:
Beltloop |
Code |
Art |
Art |
Art |
Art2 |
Chess |
Chs |
Computers |
Cpt |
Geography |
Geo |
Geology |
Glg |
Good Manners |
Gdm |
Marbles |
Mrb |
Music |
Mus |
Wildlife Conservation |
Wdc |
The time is listed next to the class code. Art 8 AM means this is Art and is available at 8 AM.
The Prerequisite field lists the actual beltloop name.