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Counselor Profile

Counselor Ed Setzler, State Representative
Council District Type Unit Role
Atlanta Area Mountain Lake Troop 2096 Assistant Scoutmaster
Acworth, GA 30102
Home Phone Mobile Phone Work Phone
770-420-0520 private 404-656-0177
Employer Field
Georgia House of Representatives, State Representative

Representative Ed Setzler serves the communities of Kennesaw and Acworth in the Georgia House of Representatives.  First elected in 2004, Representative Setzler serves as the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Juvenile & General Law and serves on the Appropriations, Education, Transportation, and Rules committees.  Born in Atlanta, Ed earned his Eagle Scout award in 1987 and attended Furman University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Physics and the designation of Distinguished Military Graduate with his Army commission in 1992.  A graduate of the US Army Ranger School, Ed served his country on active duty for 9 years as a US Army officer and completed his active service as the Commander of a 200 transportation company in the 3rd Infantry Division.  As a citizen legislator, Ed is an Assistant Scoutmaster in Troop 2096 in Acworth where he coordinates the Ranger program and outdoor skills training.

Why I am qualified to teach
Citizenship in the Community*
As an Eagle Scout, Assistant Scoutmaster, and an 8-year member of the Georgia legislature, I look forward to discussing the roles played by civil society and by local governments in serving our communities.
Prerequisites for this Activity This course will satisfy all requirements for Citizenship in the Community except for: (3a) attend a local government meeting and (7c) complete an 8-hour service project for a local non-profit organization while working on this merit badge.
Authorized Merit Badge Counselor  Youth Protection not completed within the past two years.
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