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If you send an email that does not include the information we need to help you, it wastes time and will get promptly deleted.
Test drive the new site (in progress) at New Meritbadge.Info.Leave comments at our Facebook page.

Notice!!! Meritbadge.Info will switch to the new site with BSA validation Friday morning March 13th.

If you wish to start using this site today, click here to launch

Adults must enter their BSA Number, DOB, First and Last name as it appears on their BSA ID card. We will query BSA and get back an answer. At this point one of three things can happen:
1) Your registration is verified - you can continue using normally
2) You are not registered or your registration has lapsed - your prior rights are revoked and you get the read-only screens that you see before your login
3) You are registered but your YPT has expired - your prior rights are revoked and you get the read-only screens that you see before your login

You have had at least two months to get yourself registered and complete YPT training. If you feel your validation is not working, send us an email with the four data items listed and we will validate your entry.

We have no control over what is on file at BSA. If everything matches your BSA ID card, there should be no issues. If not, your validation will fail.

Why are we doing this?
1. To provide higher security and validation of all adult users.
2. To clean up the mess we've accumulated via 15 years of poor user data entry.  

How will we do this? 

What should you do? 
Login to and copy your BSA ID Number then update your profile on  Let others in your unit know they should do the same.  We are giving you 2.5 months advanced notice to make this work.

Event Details

Event Type Merit Badge
Title Weather Ready Nation Scout Day @ the Georgia World Congress Center
Location 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318  Show Map
Start Date Start Time Stop Date Stop Time
2/2/2014 8:00 AM 2/2/2014 4:00pm
Open for Registration Last day to Register
12/1/2013   1/31/2014
(# badges a single scout can attend)
(cost to attend event)
(Who is invited)
1 $0.00 any scout who wants to attend
Council District Type Unit
Atlanta Area Troop

--- Start here for help ---

Most of your questions about payment, start and end times, and where to be are explained beneath the list of badges on this page.
Please read everything we've included in the event description. If you still have questions, contact the event manager by clicking this button.

Email Chrissy Warrilow (, the Event Manager

--- ---
Click the column header to sort by that column
ActivitySessionLocationPrerequisitesMin. AgeClass FeeMax in ClassSeats AvailableCounselor 
GS Weather Ready Nation Table 1 "Team Tsunami"RM 106Girl Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
GS Weather Ready Nation Table 2 "Team Heatwave"RM 106Girl Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
GS Weather Ready Nation Table 3 "Team Hurricane"RM 106Girl Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
GS Weather Ready Nation Table 4 "Team Lightning"RM 106Girl Scouts10136 Chrissy Warrilow
GS Weather Ready Nation Table 5 "Team Tornado"RM 106Girl Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
GS Weather Ready Nation Table 6 "Team Avalanche"RM 106Girl Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
GS Weather Ready Nation Table 7 "Team Blizzard"RM 106Girl Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
GS Weather Ready Nation Team 8 "Team Flood"RM 106Girl Scouts10131 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 1 "Team Tsunami"RM 105Boy Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 2 "Team Heatwave"RM 105Boy Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 3 "Team Hurricane"RM 105Boy Scouts10133 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 4 "Team Lightning"RM 105Boy Scouts10131 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 5 "Team Tornado"RM 105Boy Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 6 "Team Avalanche"RM 105Boy Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 7 "Team Blizzard"RM 105Boy Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
Weather Table 8 "Team Flood"RM 105Boy Scouts10130 Chrissy Warrilow
Sponsor Information
Weather Ready Nation Scout Event

Sunday, February 2, 2014

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Georgia World Congress Center, Building C, Rooms 105 and 106

285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW,

Atlanta, GA 30313

Building a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Scout Event

Building a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) is about building community resilience in the face of increasing vulnerability to extreme weather.  Being “weather-ready” means taking personal responsibility to heed weather warnings, take action, and influence your circles of family, friends, and social network to “Be a Force of Nature” and to be “ready, responsive and resilient in the face of any weather disaster.”

Earn your Weather-Ready Nation Patch!

Building a Weather-Ready Nation starts with YOU!   Being prepared and being a leader within your home or community for the next extreme weather event, may just save your life and those you love!

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) is offering Girl Scout Juniors and Boy Scouts an opportunity to earn the brand-new "Weather-Ready Nation" patch at its annual meeting in Atlanta this upcoming February (see image at left). The program will teach scouts more about meteorology, an understanding of the weather phenomena in the Atlanta area and weather-related emergency preparedness. 

The patch requirements are designed so Boy Scouts are able to earn the Weather Merit Badge in its entirety, as well as complete a couple of the Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge requirements. 

Similarly, the Girl Scouts will complete activities toward the retro Weather Badge as a result of completing the Weather-Ready Nation program.

This is a free event for the Scouts – Participants will receive a Weather-Ready Nation patch.

Due to room capacity and the length of the educational component of the event, the morning portion is NOT a “tag-along” event for younger siblings. All are welcome to attend the afternoon WeatherFest exhibit session.


Event Details

LOCATION: Georgia World Congress Center, Building C (Rooms 105 and 106 )

                 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

The Georgia World Congress Center is centrally located in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Click here for directions and parking locations close to the Georgia World Congress Center.

SCOUT UNIFORM: We request that all scouts and troop leaders arrive in full scout uniform.


  • 8:00 a.m. - Scout Check In

  • 8:45 a.m. – Registration ends

  • 8:45 a.m. - Welcome & Kick off rally with Owlie and Nick Walker of The Weather Channel

  • 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Rotational Workshops and Instructional Time

  • 12:30 – 4:00 p.m. Organized self-guided tour through WeatherFest

A note about WeatherFest: WeatherFest is an interactive four-hour science and weather fair designed to instill a love for math and science in children of all ages and to spark a young person’s interest in this area so they may consider a career in these and other science and engineering fields. Sponsosored by the American Meteorological Society, WeatherFest is free to attend!

WeatherFest will be held on Sunday, 2 February 2014, from 12:00–4:00 p.m at the Georgia World Congress Center, Building C, in Hall C3.

For more information about WeatherFest, click here.


Counselor Information

BOY SCOUTS: Please Bring the Following

  • Blue Card SIGNED by their Scoutmaster (one per each Merit Badge)

  • Merit Badge booklet

  • Any pre-requisite work

The Blue Cards will be updated with tasks completed in this event and will be returned to the Scouts BEFORE they depart the WeatherFest Exhibit Hall. It is the responsibility of the Scouts to request and obtain his Blue Card.

EVERYBODY helps with clean up. Counselors return class rosters and advancement records to the Check Out Desk. Troop Leaders MUST checkout troops at the registration desk.

Unit Sign-up Instructions
Payment Instructions for the Unit
This event is FREE! We hope to see you there!
Directions to the Event
LOCATION: Georgia World Congress Center (Rooms 105 and 106 )

285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313

The Georgia World Congress Center is centrally located in the heart of downtown Atlanta. Click here for directions and parking locations close to the Georgia World Congress Center.
Release Information

We authorize the the Girl Scouts of America, the Boy Scouts of America, the National Weather Service (NWS), the American Meteorological Society (AMS) or any entity or person designated to the use or reproduction of any and all photographs, video, or other media taken of the persons named above during the classes or related activities. All photographs, videos, or other media are the property of the National Weather Service (NWS), the American Meteorological Society (AMS) or the entity or person designated by the National Weather Service (NWS), the American Meteorological Society (AMS) , and may be used for any purpose without additional consent.


This electronic document is intended for public viewing and is solely for personal reference. It should neither be considered an authoritative source nor an official publication of the Girl Scouts of America or the Boy Scouts of America, The National Weather Service (NWS) or the American Meteorological Society (AMS). The above mentioned are registered trademarks of said institutions.

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