Great News!
Friends of 1776, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corp whose mission is to support and encourage youth oriented education in areas of citizenship, character, responsibility and environmental awareness has agreed to take over running will live on with new material and better support.
Stay tuned for more information regarding this website.
Yours in Scouting, Mike & Rodrigo
12:00 pm
10:00 Am
(# badges a single scout can attend)
(Cost to attend this event)
any scout who wants to attend
(Who is invited)
Glaciers Edge
Indian Trails
Welcome to Camp Lissa
We are offering a week long Summer Camp At Camp Lissa this year. we are excited to show you what we have to offer and to explore the great out doors.
Join our troop's and crew for an outstanding Week of merit badge classes and learning. All Scouts local and beyond are invited to attend. It is our sole intent to create an environment where Scouts have the opportunity to continue their advancement and expand their knowledge while earning merit badges. It is not the intent to create a “Merit Badge Factory” that requires minimal to no work on the Scouts behalf. Scouts who do not meet the requirements as outlined in the BSA Guide to advancement will receive partials reflecting satisfactory completed components with the remaining to be made up within their own troop or with a local certified counselor. All of our counselors are experts in their respective field either by trade, advanced degree or both.
merit badge out lines are due by 8pm on June first
Call for payment over the phone or
Write check made out to Troop #419:
Mail to: Christopher Lissa
3733 W. Plymouth Church Rd.
Beloit, WI 53511
OR payment at the door
Please note that scout(s) will be photographed during the event
for troop records and advertisement's