Great News!

Friends of 1776, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corp whose mission is to support and encourage youth oriented education in areas of citizenship, character, responsibility and environmental awareness has agreed to take over running will live on with new material and better support.

Stay tuned for more information regarding this website.

Yours in Scouting, Mike & Rodrigo

Event Details

Merit Badge University at Tennessee Tech University (STEM Center)

155 W 7th St, Cookeville, TN 38505

Merit Badge
8:00 am
5:00 pm
0 (# badges a single scout can attend)
$30.00 (Cost to attend this event)
any scout who wants to attend (Who is invited)
Middle Tennessee Council
Upper Cumberland

--- Start here for help ---

Most of your questions about payment, start and end times, and where to be are explained beneath the list of badges on this page.
Please read everything we've included in the event description. If you still have questions, contact the event manager by clicking this button.

Email Kristine Craven (, the Event Manager

--- ---

Sponsor Information

This event has been completed.
2025 MBU at Tennessee Tech University WAS A HUGE SUCCESS.
Thanks to all who assisted and who attended!

**We have had to cancel the GEOLOGY Merit Badge Class, our Registrar,
Kris Craven, will work with you to get your Scouts assigned to a different class**

We look forward to seeing you at the opening ceremony!
Location:  Tennessee Tech STEM Center Auditorium at Ray Morris Hall

155 W 7th St, Cookeville, TN 38505

Registration is OPEN!

Event Description

Merit Badge University will give your Scouts an opportunity to earn one of the many merit badges offered in engineering, science, or, if they prefer, a non-technical badge. This is also an excellent time to expose older Scouts to a university campus.

We require MBU participants to be at least in the 8th grade.

Scouts should come in complete uniform. We will comply with the regulations of individual troops. Each merit badge will have its own skill center. These centers may include tours of various campus attractions such as the Computer Center, television station WCTE, radio station WTTU, the Geology Building, the Business Media Center, as well as other laboratories and displays. We will also have programs and lectures of interest for the adult leaders throughout the day.

Scouts should "Be Prepared" when they arrive at Merit Badge University.

A scout who is prepared will have read the pamphlet for his merit badge and completed all prerequisite requirements. If the prerequisites have not been completed in advance, the Scout will only receive a partial completion for the merit badge. Some merit badges require travel to either on-campus or off-campus locations, some require the scout to get messy, and some require spending time outside in order to complete the requirements. A scout who is prepared will be dressed appropriately and/or bring work clothes with them.


Counselor Information

Please have your Scouts complete all pre-requisites.



Unit Sign-up Instructions

Register early to help us prepare accordingly and to assure a spot in the merit badge that you desire.  Each merit badge has a size limit.

**Lunch is included with your merit badge fee and will be in the Tennessee Tech University Dining Facility**


1)     Registration must be completed by Troop, rather than on an individual basis. 

     -     Scoutmaster / Unit Leaders:  Please log into and create yourself an account.  This is how you will register your troop

     -     All required forms must be completed (forms listed below) or the scout will not be able to attend the merit badge session

     -     Tutorials have been created to show you how to create an account (Create User), update your user information address (Update User) and how to sign up your scouts for merit badges (Register Unit):

  • * ALL: Create User Show me how to setup a new user.

  • * Unit Leader: Register Show me how to sign up my scouts for merit badges. website help page:

2)     ALL ADULTS who are attending MUST register for the “Adult Volunteer” program (this can be found in the list of Merit Badges).  At least one leader from your troop must be in the adult program at all times, this is in case of emergency with one of your scouts.  The $20.00 fee covers lunch and patches for the adults.  

3)     Registration for sessions are on a first-come, first-serve basis.  If the merit badge you would like is full at the time you are registering, please check back often as the registrations do change as the event nears.

4)     Please remember that you are reserving a place in the class for your scout when you register him.  The registration fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.  At the last moment, you may send another scout to replace a scout that can't attend but they must take the same merit badge, be in at least the 8th grade and have all required forms completed. Please contact our Registrar, Kris Craven at as soon as you can regarding a last-minute change.  

5)    IF YOUR TROOP IS BRINGING MORE THAN ONE REGISTERED SCOUT LEADER, PLEASE CONSIDER SERVING AS TWO DEEP LEADERSHIP IN A MERIT BADGE CLASS TO SATISFY YOUTH PROTECTION POLICIES.  Please send a list of these volunteers to Kris Craven at   It is CRITICAL to the success that we have adults that will sit in sessions. 

REQUIRED FORMS - SCOUTMASTERS - Please ensure all the forms below are completed:

****We require "witness signatures" on all forms requiring parent or guardian signature (witnessed by either troop scoutmasters or committee chair or chartering organization representative

1)  Each scout attending MBU will need to complete a liability and photo-release form available here:

 - You will mail this completed form in with your payment

2)  Each troop will also need to bring completed health forms for each scout attending.

The BSA Health form is located here:

 - Scout leaders - please keep these with you at all times

3) Your Troop must complete a BSA Tour Permit form, a copy is located here: Tour Permit.pdf

 - Please show this form at the check-in table  

Please click the link located below that says, "Sign Up My Unit".   Fill out all necessary information.  If you have any questions, feel free to email our Registrar, Kris Craven at


Unit Payment Instructions

Registration is on a first come/first served basis.

This year the TTU MBU fee is $30.00 per scout and $20.00 per adult leader PLEASE SIGN UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

1)  After you complete the registration process, you must send your troop's payment and a signed liability and photo-release form for each scout that has been registered, mail check or money order with Troop Number made payable to MBU@TTU to:

Michelle Burk

1675 Clemmons Rd

Cookeville, TN 38501

2)  Payment will need to be made within two weeks from when you are finished registering.  The amount you owe will show as you register.  For a complete roster and for the total owed, please use the "Show & Print Roster" link.  Consider this your invoice.

3)  If we do not receive your payment by our deadline, the troop's registration will be dropped.

**PLEASE remember to register your adult leaders in the "Adult Volunteer" program - it is required that all adults be registered.  Please see the registration instructions above**

For more information contact MBU Registrar, email:




The Tennessee Tech University campus is located in Cookeville, Tennessee, 80 miles east of Nashville, 100 miles west of Knoxville, and 90 miles north of Chattanooga.

Driving directions to Cookeville and the Tennessee Tech Campus:



Each troop understands that every boy attending must be registered scout with the BSA, be in at least the 8th grade, and provide a signed liability and photo-release form.

In addition, please read and be familiar with the TTU Minors on Campus Policy: